I went to buy some coins earlier this evening and included were these two medals. The guy just retired from BAE Systems and was given a couple for his work. Apparently we build 15% of it in the UK with other bits coming from Rolls Royce Aerospace division. Can`t see any similar anywhere searching from here, apart from a guy selling one with two other aircraft medals for $275 and described as "Challenge Coins". They are not coins they are medals because they don`t have a denomination on them and they have not been monetized. Bigger than a silver Dollar. For your perusal.
Challenge coins are exchanged by people in different military units. They're not medals per se, but do show someone's been there, done that. The coins are mostly souvenirs. There's probably more to it, but that's what they're for.
I'd have to take issue with the assertion that they haven't been monitized. With F-35 program costs now totalling over $400 billion, those coins must be worth at the very least, $10K each. Keep them in a safe place!
There is one on worthpoint dated 2008 from Northrup as awards and not posted as sterling unless you have membership and there are more details. https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/first-flight-jsf-f-35-lightning-ii-challenge-coin
Don't know if this is the same and it doesn't give amount sold for, but maybe you could email the auction house to get a value? https://www.the-saleroom.com/en-gb/...0044/lot-3dbd8027-b525-4db3-b8b0-a634011aebaf
I wonder if such things will gain in value. As far as I know the idea, originally, was to give them for certain special reasons as there weren't a lot made. I have a few US Navy ones that were given to me by ship Captains and such.
With four other items, £30. https://denhams.com/antique-auction/august-2016-03/captain-eric-winkle-brown
I noticed there were 2 others in groups for around £48 but they didn`t show pictures. Captain Eric Winkle-Brown, bet he was a riot
The US will get back the $400 billion from the countries it has sold the planes to and future parts and servicing. When the faults are ironed out and they get delivered and up and running. Lockheed is developing three models of the plane for the U.S. military and eight partner countries that helped fund the plane's development - Britain, Australia, Italy, Turkey, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and Canada. South Korea, Japan and Israel have also placed orders for the jet.
Or the English Electric Lightning, unequlled in its day, straight up to 60,000 feet. to the edge of space.
Coincidentally this popped up on my saved searches today> http://www.ebay.com/itm/253062457363?ul_noapp=true
I always thought the challenge coins were used when a group is together in a bar. Everyone brings out his or her coin & whoever has the lowest "rank" has to pay for the round of drinks.
I had it slightly mixed up in my mind. It is not the low rank it is the failure to be able to produce a coin or if everyone responds to the challenge than the person who initiated the challenge must buy the round. http://www.coinforce.com/challenge-coin-rules.htm http://www.coinforce.com/challenge-coin-history.htm