Featured Shah & Shah jade earrings...value?

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by Melissa Brown, May 18, 2017.

  1. Melissa Brown

    Melissa Brown Well-Known Member

    ...today's favorite find from the boxes. Any input about what they are would be helpful. Thank you!

    Shah & Shah
    921 F St. N.W.
    Washington D.C.

    Jade earrings, very translucent, stamped Sterling.

    Original blue velvet box with label. No signs of wear.

    The makers are still in business. http://shah-shah.com/

    IMG_7140.JPG IMG_7139.JPG IMG_7141.JPG IMG_7132.JPG
    Last edited: May 18, 2017
    Joshua Brown, Figtree3 and Lucille.b like this.
  2. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    They're vintage ... 50s ...best guess, either Chinese or American made from Chinese-carved jades. It also looks like there's some "greenies" on the screw itself, implying it's brass rather than silver. The box is from a retailer. This board isn't really a place to get a valuation. I'd check closed auction values for a decent wholesale/auction estimate and go from there.
  3. Melissa Brown

    Melissa Brown Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your input! I haven't been able to find anything comparable online, so came searching here...
    Joshua Brown and judy like this.
  4. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    Evelyb is correct, we don't really give values. Sometimes someone will throw out a ballpark number for something like furniture, but in general the site is for identification, etc.

    A couple of thoughts, although verdigris usually means brass, etc. I have had the green stuff wipe off of other jewelry and transfer onto silver, so you might just try wiping it off and see what you find. These sure look like they could be silver to me, and if the presentation case is original, this was a fairly high end jeweler so one might expect silver or better, but you never know.

    One way to get an idea of values as suggested, would be to look at Ebay completed. Although there don't seem to be any "Shah & Shah earrings" at present, you could search for similar. Under "jade screw back earrings" here is a list from highest on down.


    I was surprised at the sterling set that sold for $700, maybe people look for certain kinds of jade, or maybe because they were Chinese export. Note that the title for that auction was pretty generic, but still found the bidders. Also, the seller ships "Worldwide".

    I would photograph these WITH the case, and if you can part with the case, be sure to say "case included" or "w/case" in the title as well as "Shah & Shah", and if you are able, include worldwide shipping. I think the case adds to the desirability of the set and it may be that a lot of bidders would come from outside the U.S.

    They have a great look. In general screw back earrings are a tough sell, but these might be the exception. Very nice.
    Last edited: May 18, 2017
  5. Melissa Brown

    Melissa Brown Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much for your information packed answer @Lucille.b! I'll refer to it when I list these. I'll definitely keep the beautiful case with the earrings. It'd be a shame to break them up and I think it makes them much more special.

    The stuff on the screw end easily wiped off. It actually wasn't green in person, more like brown oxidized yuck...lotion, oil. They are stamped Sterling. Do you think I should clean them before I list them or leave them as they are? Maybe just give them a light wipe down?
    Joshua Brown likes this.
  6. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't use chemicals on them; jade's pretty tough, but you never know. A sunshine cloth would be great. Prices on similar pairs look like the go from 25 bucks to $700, so...dunno. I don't know enough about jade values to guess.
  7. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    I'd give them just a light wipe down if anything, certainly remove any and all gunk or perfume residue so they are clean. Others may have different thoughts on polishing the silver. I usually leave as is with the disclaimer: "Will leave any polishing to the new owner".

    Had an after-thought about the "world-wide" shipping I recommended. Forgot to mention that I have exclusions on my account and omit several countries. Italy are Russia excluded, plus others. I would think you would want to include US, Europe (minus Italy) the UK, Australia, Japan and China, if you plan to ship international.
  8. khl889

    khl889 Well-Known Member

    They do indeed look like very good quality jades.

    The problem is that there are various ways of making things that aren't good quality jades look like good quality jades.

    Just thinking out loud, I wonder whether selling something like these online will bring the best price, or whether potential bidders will price low to discount the possibility that they have problems.
  9. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    Khl889 is a long-time valued member, I would defer to this advice.

    I am not a jade expert, and if there is something special here, I wonder if there is a better place to sell these than online. Just as the one set sold for $700, but others for hardly anything, perhaps an reputable auction house would be better so people will have a confirmation of quality.
    Last edited: May 18, 2017
  10. Melissa Brown

    Melissa Brown Well-Known Member

    I know next to nothing about jade, but I have a pretty good eye for quality. These earrings are luminous. They've been in storage about 40-45 years, yet they glow. The carving is very fine and the settings are delicate. They feel precious. Oh boy, they have me swooning!

    What about setting a high reserve? I wouldn't know who to show them to or how else to sell them. I'm new to all this.
    Christmasjoy, Joshua Brown and judy like this.
  11. Melissa Brown

    Melissa Brown Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the input on countries to ship to (and omit). I shipped my ceramics internationally when I was doing retail, but it's been years and I've heard horror stories about done countries since.
    Christmasjoy, Joshua Brown and judy like this.
  12. Melissa Brown

    Melissa Brown Well-Known Member

    Had to google sunshine cloth. Sounds like good stuff and something I should buy, considering what's ahead of me. Hard question to answer, but about how many pieces will one cloth clean? Can I use it over and over? Thanks!
    Christmasjoy and Joshua Brown like this.
  13. khl889

    khl889 Well-Known Member

    The problem with jade -- jadeite -- is that when it comes to value, so much depends on the precise shades of the piece. You can look at an array of jades in a store display case and see prices ranging in many multiples; yet trying to figure out why and how prices differ so greatly is pretty much a mystery except to those in the field. Think of diamonds, much the same. And while subtle differences of shade can make big differences in price, representing those subtleties on screen isn't easy. Anyone thinking of spending real money is naturally going to be cautious of photoshopping as well. That you don't have a record dealing in jade doesn't help. Obviously buyers feel more comfortable working with a known dealer.

    These are just some reasons why you might not get the best price online.
  14. Melissa Brown

    Melissa Brown Well-Known Member

    Good analogy about diamonds and jadite. What I find beautiful is often not what the majority considers the ideal.

    What would a reasonable dealer commission be? I have no experience selling through an auction house or dealer...

    Thank you again for your time and expertise!
    Christmasjoy, Joshua Brown and cxgirl like this.
  15. khl889

    khl889 Well-Known Member

    Because of its mineral structure, jadeite does not fracture easily. But there are a couple of interesting lines on that photo from the rear of the piece, starting at about 3 o'clock.
  16. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    I don't clean much of anything, much to my mother's dismay, so I'm not sure how long one cloth lasts. They are however pretty cheap if you buy in bulk.
  17. Melissa Brown

    Melissa Brown Well-Known Member

    I didn't notice any fractures this afternoon when I photographed the one. I feel like it's a vein, but I'll check them both tomorrow, on a light table, and in natural light.
    Christmasjoy and Joshua Brown like this.
  18. Melissa Brown

    Melissa Brown Well-Known Member

    I enjoyed reading this...I may be falling in like be with jadeite & nephrite! http://www.lotusgemology.com/index.php/library/articles/270-lotusgemology-com-jade-buying-guide
  19. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    Sunshine cloths go on forever. Dirtier they get, the better they clean.

    I do wonder if these actually match the box.
  20. Melissa Brown

    Melissa Brown Well-Known Member

    Just ordered three :D!
    Joshua Brown likes this.
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