Phenomenal Victorian Fob Chain, Double Albert. 9Ct solid gold. Ridiculously low price. Ending in 20 mins
Quite a pity though, I didn't realise it had been listed as it's my first time on eBay, I was limited to $500 and it's far more valuable. I've been waiting for a response from ebay to increase my limit not knowing the auction was live It's such a beautiful piece and in mint condition.
never start anything at a price lower than the least you'll accept for it...... that's a hard lesson......
Very true I really thought it wasn't listed yet though. I definitely saved it to come back later. I have emailed eBay a few days ago to increase my limit but still no reply
The Newbie got it but he seems a bit sketchy to me... I might just cancel, I know it's bad for my profile but the guys info doesn't add up and his messages seemed like generic copy and paste..