Etching Engraving Mistery

Discussion in 'Art' started by Hunter S., May 19, 2020.

  1. Hunter S.

    Hunter S. Active Member

    Yes I did and I usually do :) However thank you for the input as it may help someone else :shame:
    i need help likes this.
  2. Hunter S.

    Hunter S. Active Member

    Well if you visited Bosnia it is a multi-ethnic society, many of the people there like to be called is a very diverse society (it was even before the war) many of the people born there have parents from different religions...Serbs (Orthodox) + Croatians (Catholics) + Bosnian muslims + in smaller amounts Slovenians (Catholics) + North Macedonians (Orthodox) + Montenegrins (Orthodox)...its a fun bunch :shame:...lots of great artists and art came from former Yugoslavia, and they still come from these countries (Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Montenegro).

    So if you were to ask Bogdan Kršić to whom he belongs, as he was born in 1932...he will probably tell you he feels proud to be born Yugoslavian (as Yugoslavia was founded in 1918)...but that he is also of proud Serbian heritage but also proud to be

    Also there is a possibility he didn't feel proud to be Yugoslavian, as there is a possibility he was against it and that he was a that case he would be a proud Serbian only...

    So lots of possibilities...

    But as he was born in Sarajevo (Bosnia), he is a Bosnian, but as he was of Serbian descent, he worked in Belgrade (Serbia) as a professor on the Faculty of applied arts as a one of the most respected graphic artist of that time, but on the other hand he was also born in

    This etching is Yugoslavian-Serbian-Bosnian in a way :happy:

    So if you want to explore, start from Yugoslavian school of art and then move on to the countries separately as well (Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Montenegro).

    All the best,

    Hunter S.
    i need help likes this.
  3. Fid

    Fid Well-Known Member

  4. Hunter S.

    Hunter S. Active Member

    Thank you Fid, I forgot about them
  5. April07

    April07 Well-Known Member

    Yes, I am aware of the situation in the Balkans. Not sure though how many people would like to describe themselves as Yugoslavians given the events they lived through in the 1990s. I wouldn't deny also the local differences, as I can see that the graphic school is significantly different in Macedonia. Also I didn't realise it's already decided the etching is by Bogdan Kršić, even though the work resembles many of the artists of his time.
    Last edited: May 24, 2020
  6. Fid

    Fid Well-Known Member

    I wondered as well. in Central Europe and most probably the rest of Europe as well those graphics are not sought after; the mentioned arts school may have been of some importance - as were well known summer schools for philosophy and literature - but that's all gone due to the bad behaviour of the refugees in other countries - it was simply not "adequate" to flee to Germany, France, Switzerland etc. because you were said to be threatened, live of the social system and continue to fight each other on foreign grounds.
  7. April07

    April07 Well-Known Member

    Oh wow. I thought it was the war that affected the state of economy in some of the former Yugoslav republics, and, as a result, the promotion of their culture (though very interesting, relevant, and important) is not as big as we would like to see it.
    But no - bad, bad refugees.
    Last edited: May 24, 2020
  8. Hunter S.

    Hunter S. Active Member

    I guess situation is quite complicated...and it has created problems worldwide...and it would take me too much time to go into details and to explain it exactly as it is...and I am guessing there is no point in that, so I would rather say this:
    Let's be clear about one thing...every country has got a big portion of bad people as do not etiquette a whole nation based on bad partition...especially not artists, but also a lot of other people...because we can go just a bit back in time and say that Germany should no longer be interesting as art nation and that they deserve you know they haven't had "adequate" "behavior" towards most nations...but we do not...and that is called rising above

    And yes, we still haven't proven that this is by Bogdan Kršić (even so everything points towards that it is) and I even opened the frame to look is there anything on the behind of the etching but no luck :banghead: so the case is officially still open :bag:
    Last edited: May 24, 2020
    April07 likes this.
  9. Fid

    Fid Well-Known Member

    so, I leave you two to your discussion because it has nothing to do with the realities that existed at the time. bye.
  10. sunday silence

    sunday silence Well-Known Member

    Couch potatoe: Can you give me a quick synopsis of tineye? I tried to use it the other day but nothign happened. Does it have to be loaded like an app? Or just log onto the website? Explain like I am a five year old. I am stoopid sometimes.
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