Help with Barbier Print? :)

Discussion in 'Art' started by scoutshouse, Mar 4, 2017.

  1. scoutshouse

    scoutshouse Well-Known Member

    Hi, everyone - I have missed you all! but keeping busy out here in LaLa Land :)

    I was hoping to locate more revealing comps for this Barbier There are few of them on Worthpoint and Liveauctioneers - none at all on findartinfo... It is from an album of pochoir of Tamara Karsavina costumes printed in an edition of 500 printed 1914.

    The album went down significantly over three sales from 2007 through 2012

    I put it up at $250 as it's a bit faded and there is some fog under the glass (otherwise in good condition). On first day, we received 4 offers, which is what's bugging me and I thought I should double check it.

    I know pochoirs are popular, Barbier's popular, Karsavina's popular, Nijinsky's popular, but I don't really know what's driving the interest in this print.

    Opinions welcome! thanks!

    Barbier, George and J.L. Vaudoyer. Album dédié à Tamar Karsavina. 12 Bl. With 12 lithographed panels in pochoirkolorite and 3 vignettes. 34 x 28 cm. Illustr. OUmschlag (stained or stained at the edges). Paris, P. Corrard, 1914.
    Carteret IV, 59. Derra de Moroda 219. Not with Lipperheide and Colas. One of 500 numer. Copies on "Paper Vélin d'Arches". The magnificent panels show the imaginative designs of George Barbier for the stage costumes of the dancer Tamara Karsavina. Printed by the publisher numbered and monogrammed. - From tadellous interior maintenance.

    HOR_022 Barber Columbine Pierrot-3.jpg
    Screen Shot 2017-03-04 at 3.49.35 PM.png
    moreotherstuff likes this.
  2. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    I guess it would depend on what the offers were. If the most recent comp is 1800 Euros, anything under 1K is lowballing. IMHO, this is a stronger image than most Barbier prints. I can see why you are getting interest. That said, I am not finding any better comps than you are. While his original work has performed well, I am not seeing as strong interest in the pochoirs. Buyers may be responding more to the image than they are market driven.
    scoutshouse likes this.
  3. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    It's Pierrot having his wicked way backstage with Columbine, and some other clown is getting an eyeful of the action. I can think of more than one reason guys would be interested.(LOL)
    scoutshouse likes this.
  4. scoutshouse

    scoutshouse Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Bradk and Ebelyb (funny :))

    That price (and those 3 comps) are for an album - this is one image from that edition of 500 printed in 1914...

    Nice to see you guys :)
  5. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Did not realize that. All I can guess is that they are responding more with heart than head.
  6. scoutshouse

    scoutshouse Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Brad - It was just that some of those Karsavina prints (not from the book) do go for a lot... but they are too few to make a comparison. And there was a lot of interest.

    Anyhoo, I opened up the back for the buyer (after he already paid full price $250 for it) couldn't see the watermark bc it was glued to the board, but I just checked in with him and he seemed satisfied.
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