Paper preservation.

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by Carrie Elrod, Feb 2, 2017.

  1. Carrie Elrod

    Carrie Elrod Active Member

    I just came across my first box of horror. It's filled with lovely betty Crocker and hershey cookbooks, box sides, etc from 40s I think. There's a lot of war time references in the little tie bits of can see,
    Here's the problem. The paper is literally falling apart . in afraid to touch it.
    What if anything can be done?
    Christmasjoy and KingofThings like this.
  2. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    we have a thread on this subject....somewhere here....???
    but from what you're may be too late to help....:sorry::sorry::sorry::sour:
    Christmasjoy and KingofThings like this.
  3. Carrie Elrod

    Carrie Elrod Active Member

    I was trying to find info I don't know, I managed to pull betty Crocker and Knox gelatin out but they are pretty torn up, looks like a mouse got in the bottom
    Christmasjoy and KingofThings like this.
  4. SBSVC

    SBSVC Well-Known Member

    Carrie, I'm sorry, but yours sound as if they're pretty well gone... If a mouse has been at them, I would just put them out with the recycling. (Mind you, that's just me, but sometimes, some of us simply need reassurance that it's okay just to throw old stuff away!)

    A couple of years ago, when I was trying very hard to downsize, I had quite a few of these recipe booklets and folders (more than a hundred, actually) that had belonged to my grandmother. They really were in pretty decent shape, but there just wasn't much of a demand for them. (Jell-o recipes, anyone? How about a nice Campbell's soup casserole?)

    In the end, I sold them for pennies (along with about 50 "real" cookbooks) to an online book seller. (Had they been in tough shape, he wouldn't have wanted them at all - at any price.)

    Anyway, if there's anything really unusual among the war-time stuff, post it here for opinions. (Otherwise, you have my permission to let it go!)

    Yes, Carrie, I am kidding (sort of) but you seem to have SO much stuff to go thru, and this may be the time for you to "choose your battles", so to speak...

    Wishing you all the very best,
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2017
  5. Carrie Elrod

    Carrie Elrod Active Member

    I'm still sorting. I found these two pieces. Coaster is perfect the article is very fragile. Sorry about crease. It says Thursday Feb 1, 1915

    Article " january with the Roosevelt's" IMG_20170202_050952474.jpg zcamera-20170202_052452.jpg zcamera-20170202_052317.jpg zcamera-20170202_052246.jpg
    Christmasjoy and KingofThings like this.
  6. Carrie Elrod

    Carrie Elrod Active Member

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 2, 2017
  7. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    If you just want to save the pieces, you could use your flat bed copier to make copies before they disintegrate. Ones that mean something to you could be saved.
    You use a white liquid antacid for your stomach and club soda half an half solution. Place the paper into the solution and let it set for 30 mins, gently remove it and let it dry. When it is totally dry brush off any remaining dust. I have saved newspaper clippings from the 30s and 40s using this method. I learned the technique from The Library of Congress which saves every newspaper printed.
  8. Carrie Elrod

    Carrie Elrod Active Member

    IMG_20170202_070235955.jpg IMG_20170202_070223002~2.jpg I have a cookbook I want you guys to check out It confetties if you touch it do please excuse the photos. I got a couple and put it up. Its a Royal Calumet and it's rolled up so I got what I could.
    Thank you Greg's glass. I have a couole I want to do for sure. Other than personal, I have a copy of Esquire with varga girls. I'll photo soon. It's wrapped in plastic....
    Christmasjoy and KingofThings like this.
  9. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

  10. Carrie Elrod

    Carrie Elrod Active Member

    LED spotlight and contortion. Lol
    KingofThings and komokwa like this.

    PACKRAT Well-Known Member

    Hello Carrie. I feel your pain. When I had some older documents that were on their last legs I got a scanner and digitized the lot. I was happy with the quality and preserving the images made me feel good. Good luck.
    Carrie Elrod and KingofThings like this.
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