My Advertising collectables,

Discussion in 'Ephemera and Photographs' started by Charliebfc, Nov 10, 2016.

  1. Charliebfc

    Charliebfc Well-Known Member

    Not sure if this is the right subsection for My post but it does mention advertising in the sub forum details but its most likely just printed form of Advertising ,

    Anyway I liked advertising for a couple of years now and try and collect has much has a can both for personal and retail ,
    But don't seperate them both and try and not have a personal attachment to them but tend to over price them so I keep them and if sold its a bonus ,

    Anyway I'm going to post what I got on this tread in printing forum and not ,

    Hope you like my little collection what I process Now and what I use to have ,

    Cadbury chocolate educational board 1950s used in schools has wall chart also had colourful posters with it ,
    Explains the process of Chocolate from the plantaisions to shop floor ,
    20160928_123216.jpg 20161023_151052.jpg
    Another Educational piece not sure of date maybe 1930s -50s .
    Made by Nestle chocolate Explaining the process in making Chocolate from raw cocoa beans to bar of Chocolate I really like this item ,

    Another Education board with the subject of processing sugar
    Really interesting item has little nobgels with different stanges of sugar ,
    Maybe 1950s again ,
    *crs* likes this.
  2. Charliebfc

    Charliebfc Well-Known Member

    Now some Shop display items ,
    20161023_151017.jpg John players weights cigarette produced in competition against other leading brands at the time 1920s

    20160926_125220.jpg 20160926_125300.jpg
    Nice bit of Edwardian quackery ,

    Hall’s Coca Wine – the self-proclaimed “Elixir of Life”. This was a restorative with a surprising ingredient: Cocaine!

    Coca wine was made from the leaves of the Erythroxylum Coca plant. In the late 1800s and early 1900s coca leaves were thought to have great medicinal value and many brands of coca wine were created. This advert was an insert in a magazine and some of the supposed health benefits of the wine are listed on the reverse. These include “Sleeplessness, Bronchitis, Neuralgia, Influenza, Anaemia, Mental Fatigue, Exhaustion” and if that weren’t enough, they also claim it treats menstrual disorders, or “sickness, so common to ladies” as they put it.

    Original wartime poster

    The Ministry of Agriculture launched one month on from the outbreak of the Second World War, one of the most memorable slogans of the whole conflict - 'Dig for Victory'.

    From this point on, the whole of Britain's home front were encouraged to transform their private gardens into mini-allotments. It was believed, quite rightly, that this would not only provide essential crops for families and neighbourhoods alike, but help the war effort by freeing up valuable space for war materials on the merchant shipping convoys. Indeed, over just a few months, Britain saw its green and pleasant land transformed with gardens, flowerbeds and parkland dug up for the plantation of vegetables.

    By 1943, over a million tons of vegetables were being grown in gardens and allotments.

    During the course of the war, many propagandist moves were made to promote the importance of 'growing your own'. In addition to the circulation of familiar Ministry of Agriculture 'food flashes', literature and poster displays, anthems were also introduced. One such 'Dig for Victory' anthem went;

    “Dig! Dig! Dig! And your muscles will grow big

    Keep on pushing the spade

    Don’t mind the worms

    Just ignore their squirms

    And when your back aches laugh with glee

    And keep on diggin’

    Till we give our foes a Wiggin’

    Dig! Dig! Dig! to Victory

    Attached Files:

    cxgirl, LIbraryLady, *crs* and 4 others like this.
  3. SBSVC

    SBSVC Well-Known Member

    Nifty stuff, Charlie!
  4. pearlsnblume

    pearlsnblume Well-Known Member

    Love advertising collectibles.
    Charliebfc likes this.
  5. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

    What fun stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I absolutely giggled as I was looking it all over.
  6. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    Thanks for sharing. Very nice!
  7. Charliebfc

    Charliebfc Well-Known Member

    Continue with my printed theme of Advertising collectables

    And Christmas nearly upon us This Mazda Mickey mouse Christmas lights are wonderful and the Artwork stunning ,unfortunately not got them know sold them back in August at a comic mart,

    Wish i stll had them now,

    Think there from 1930s had old type Brown flex and a fitting the sort you fit in a light build socket not a 3 pin or 2 pin wall plug sockets
    2016-11-12 17.28.15.jpg
    2016-11-12 17.25.32.jpg 2016-11-12 17.19.06.jpg
    cxgirl likes this.
  8. Charliebfc

    Charliebfc Well-Known Member

    Yea there so much social history connected to Advertising ,
  9. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Hi Charlie,
    Nice collection. I have the Micky Mouse light set like yours in the original box. Bought them at a yard sale for 2 dollars. Grabbed them and ran to the car, locked them in the trunk and then went back to see what else I could "steal".:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
    cxgirl and Charliebfc like this.
  10. Charliebfc

    Charliebfc Well-Known Member

    Yea there Such a nice set like I said wish I still had them mine cost a bit more then 2 dollars

    Trying to work pounds into dollars say back then would of been about 8 dollars so think we both got ourselves a bargain ,

    But also probably pick up the worst thing I ever bought at the same time it was something I let go a cheaper they I paid for it just to get rid of it ,

    It was bloody Awful probably a rare thing in England but most definitely not the best quality ,

    Think I might do a post on it,
  11. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Hi Charlie,
    They were selling for over a thousand dollars 5 years ago.
  12. Charliebfc

    Charliebfc Well-Known Member

    Really that much wow
  13. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    Love advertising stuff! Great collection:)
  14. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

  15. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Hi Lucille,
    Those are the newer (1930s). Mine do not have the wooden balls and just a small image on each light. The box has just a small writing of Micky Mouse not the giant colored print of yours. Most of the top of the box just has Mazda Christmas lights. When I pull them out for Xmas I'll post a photo.
  16. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    Hi Greg,

    Oh, thanks. Was just matching the photo above -- wow, sounds like you have even older. Please do share a photo, would LOVE to see them when you get them out for XMAS. :)
  17. Charliebfc

    Charliebfc Well-Known Member

    This is Another item I no longer have its a Ogden tobacco wall hanging showcard center picture what supposed to be sir Walter Raleigh who introduced tobacco to England ,it shows different weights of pouches of Tobacco , for there StBruno brand . 2016-11-12 17.22.20.jpg
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