Royal Dux Dog (pink triangle) ...repro?

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by Lucille.b, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    Any thoughts on this piece? Wondering if it is possibly a repro? Paint seems a little sloppy on the base, but I'm not an expert on Royal Dux. Also it looks like an "E" instead of a "Z" on Czechoslovakia, unless I'm misreading this.

    I read one article on reproductions, but wasn't conclusive. I'm not sure so valuable even if the real deal, but I know people like dog figurines. If anyone is familiar with Royal Dux, would love to get thoughts. Thanks!

    DOG1.jpg DOG2.jpg DOG2B.jpg DOG2C.jpg DOG999.jpg
  2. Ladybranch

    Ladybranch Well-Known Member

    The following website may help in determining age and whether a fake.

    --- Susan

    Edit: FWIW, I think that is "Z" and not an "E." It appears to have been doubled stamped causing some of the letters to mess up. If it was an "E," I think the back line would be more prominent, solid. Looks like the line of the back is absence between what would be the middle and bottom arms of an "E." "Z" would not have any line in that location.

    Last edited: Oct 15, 2016
    Lucille.b likes this.
  3. daveydempsey

    daveydempsey Moderator Moderator

    If it was a Z then where is the E
    In English it is spelt Czechoslovakia in Czech it is spelt Československo
    Lucille.b and Ladybranch like this.
  4. Ladybranch

    Ladybranch Well-Known Member

    Gee, I certainly didn't think before writing the above.:oops: Looking at it all again, I suspect it is an "E." The first letter is a bit of a mess. Wonder if it is a C stamped over a Z???

    That link I posted to a real or repro site about Royal Dux isn't working for me. I had to hunt up the site page again. The above link is identical but for some reason doesn't work. The webpage site is sponsored to Ruby Lane with the actual page title: "Royal Dux: Dating 150 Years of Porcelain."

    The reason it doesn't work is that the colon isn't being recognized as part of the address. If the link doesn't work, add a colon to the end of the address.

    Here's the link again...

    --- Susan
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  5. ola402

    ola402 Well-Known Member

    This is just my opinion (I have a small collection of white (only) Royal Dux animals). The figure of the dog with the base looks very nicely rendered. But the painting looks odd and like it was never glazed. To me he looks unfinished. Or is that the light? again, just my opinion.
    Lucille.b likes this.
  6. ola402

    ola402 Well-Known Member

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  7. ola402

    ola402 Well-Known Member

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  8. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all of the responses/links so far! :):)

    And if it turns out to be the real deal, I'll be thrilled.

    I think the last link is the closest. My figure is unglazed, sort of bisque-like. The dog is nicely rendered, I agree. I was just a little hesitant with the painting of the base, the way the green paint slightly overlaps one of the paws, just seemed a bit sloppy. Plus, the possible misspelling or overlapped stamping of "Czechoslovakia". I'd be happy to learn this was Royal Dux, just had that hesitation.

    All thoughts much appreciated. Thank you!

    P.S. Would this dog be called a Retriever?
    yourturntoloveit likes this.
  9. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    On a whim, I decided to google: "Cechoslovakia" and got a surprising number of hits, so started to think this might be a legit variation of the spelling.

    Found a forum where one person had an art glass vase and metal collar. Glass was signed "Czechoslovakia" but the metal was stamped "Cechoslovakia" so, the topic of the spelling variations came up. I'll cut and paste one of the responses:

    OK, so here is some info on the spelling. The metal portion of the vase appears to use a Ce as the start of Czechoslovakia. I think that a close examination of the C will show that there is a mark over the C, an inverted V. This is referred to as a C-hatchek or a C-caron. The use of this character would likely place the production of the metal between 1918 and 1921. The use of this character on imported product to the U.S. was banned by a modification to the McKinley Tariff act in 1921. The spelling was then changed to Czechoslovakia where the Cz represented the phonetic sound of the C-Hatchek.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2016
  10. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    I don't see a C-hatchek on mine, but maybe this is what is going on. Probably over-thinking all of this, perhaps the figure is Royal Dux afterall. Also a little research suggested the triangle mark on this piece was between 1918-1921, which is a perfect match with the alternate spelling, according to the forum I quoted, anyway. If authentic would be nice.

    Still curious about breed of dog. Thanks, everyone!
  11. ola402

    ola402 Well-Known Member

    my first reaction to the dog was "beagle". But I don't really know dogs all that well. My neighbor has a beagle and he looks like this. Wait for a dog person to respond.
    Lucille.b and yourturntoloveit like this.
  12. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    Dog(gie) person here. :D

    It does appear to be "like" a beagle in body build but . . . one question: Why are there dabs/bits of greenish/brownish paint on the tail, rump, side, and above the front leg? That paint color appears to match(?) the paint used on the round "platform" the dog is standing on and the general color of the collar around the dog's neck.

    Makes me wonder if this was a "Mom, look at what I did all by myself" child's sub rosa project. ;)
    Lucille.b likes this.
  13. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    Hi Yourturn,

    Good questions, but I think that appearance is the fault of my photo above. The green is sort of "reflecting" up making it look like the dabs of shading look green. The collar is positively the same shade as the base, but there appears to be an indentation by the neck as if intended a collar to be colored in there. There are a few scuffs etc. on this guy, but no chips or cracks. Here are better photos I had in outdoor light:

    dux2.jpg dux3.jpg dux4.jpg
    yourturntoloveit likes this.
  14. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the new photos -- I see exactly what you mean about the "brownish" color highlight on the legs and tail.

    I take back my previous comment re a child's paint job.:shame: He/she is a nice specimen of a "hound" breed. ;)
    Lucille.b likes this.
  15. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    Better photos always help! Should have posted those from the start. I appreciate you taking a look.
  16. UserUnknown

    UserUnknown Active Member

    The AKC has an article on the top ten breeds in 1890. Of note, the beagle and the pointer.
    A different site has ten breeds that went extinct in the 1800s. The Southern Hound is noticeable and gave way to newer breeds like the beagle, according to the site.
    Lucille.b and yourturntoloveit like this.
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