I-sett-a corker or what? ~ I had a GF that had one.... She was 6'. What a show getting in and out of that!
You had a six foot tall girlfriend......ohhhhhhhh !!! Gila.....next time ...out bid him.....& see if he doesn't change his tune !! If not....we can send Shang to put a cork in him !!!
Good idea, Professor. I want Shangas to go there and fill his pockets with a few of the guy's corks. Shangas, do you do any freelance strong-arm work? Collection-work, maybe? I could send my Uncle Nacho but he's afraid of planes.
Watching a 6-ft lady getting out of a tiny car can't be any more entertaining than watching me get down from a gigantic SUV. I am confident about this.
The collection continues... Thanks to Senor Tortas de Alto (Mr. Tall Cakes) I am adding these three lovelies. To the untrained eye, the two Goliath corks might look the same, but they aren't. The Lucky Duck is similar, but not the same as another I have. Thank you very much, sir. If you ever need any parrot feathers or Corona empties, I'm your girl.
There was a gallon-sized plastic bag jammed full of corks at a sale I went to this morning. Only 2 bucks, but (without emptying them out on the table) I did my best to peruse for "birds." None that I could see - and believe me, if there had been even 1, the 2 bucks would have been worth it. Just wanted you to know, Gila.
Abuela, blessssssssssss youuuuuuuu! I know... they're rare! I so love all you folks here. It's like s big extended family that doesn't drop in after church on Sundays or ask you to babysit their kids!!!!!!!! AND helps find birrrrd corrrrkszszssz! xoxoxoxoxoxoxxo