Cloisonne ,japanese or Chinese ?

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by johnnycb09, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    Hi all. I picked this adorable little thing up at an estate sale, I was "told" it was a covered plum blossom wine cup ,but we all know how that goes ! Its 1 1/2 inches high,2 wide,and to my untrained eye,pretty nice quality. So let me know what you all think,give it to me straight,Doc. :) DSCN2812.JPG

    Attached Files:

    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  2. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    It's Chinese, but beyond that... not old, but probably not new either.
  3. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    Thank you,I never expect anything so when its not,Im not terribly disappointed !LOL! do ponder why,though there are oriental specialists on here as well as the other board( whose name we do not speak) they rarely,if ever comment on others oriental finds/junk ? If they fear bearing bad news,fear not ! Id think someone would appreciate knowing definitively that their items are mediocre,I know I would.
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  4. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    Johhycb09, just an idea, but on a board/forum such as this "experts" can neither see an object firsthand with their own two eyes nor touch the object with their own two hands. On a board/forum such as this they are limited to "seeing" an object through the lens of a camera and then their eyes are the "second" filter, so to speak.
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  5. 'Nuff_Said

    'Nuff_Said Well-Known Member

    I do ponder why some folks (whose names we do not speak) rarely, if ever utilize this website: that was given to them numerous times both on this board and the other to help aid in identifying their items.

    Maybe it's because some folks, want other folks, to do their work for them?
  6. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    I can appreciate that,but if an opinion is presented with those limitations,at least it gives someone something to go forward with. Im not being pissy,truly Im not,but I noticed that lack of opinions offered on the "other" board as well and I sorta thought they were reluctant to share their hard earned knowledge for free ! Otherwise,why not say " it LOOKS like such and such,but needs verification?" I never thought this thing was Ming Dynasty,but I simply cant ever find the signatures online,though I try so hard,but yet not even a hint of how to do even that. Again,Im cheaper than cheap so Im never disappointed when my $2 item is tourist tat from 1998 !
  7. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    I don't take it personally,you rarely if ever help anyone,Nuff. Furthermore,I don't for one second believe your assertations of all this high dollar finds for pennies on the dollars .Im betting IF,and that's a big IF,you do find all of these things,that you buy 100s of objects at a time and ONLY post the cream of the crop,so to speak. Again,being frank here,it got boring on the other board with endless posts of all your magnificent and rare antiquities that you magically were able to produce over and over again. Yet you NEVER offered anyone an opinion on theirs,and again,Im not talking about me. What HUBRIS to think I was refering to you.
    In closing Ill say what Ive always wanted to say,and that is I don't believe you. I never have.
  8. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    AND,Id like to add that those red and white vases I asked about on the "other" board that you said weren't Peking glass,most certainly were.So said the oriental dealer that bought them from me ! And I only took them to him to find out !
    All that being said,does anyone have an opinion on wether this IS as they said,some sort of covered cup ?
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2014
  9. janetpjohn

    janetpjohn Well-Known Member

    Reluctantly wading in to ask if the lid really does match the bottom--can't tell from here.
  10. 'Nuff_Said

    'Nuff_Said Well-Known Member


    "I don't take it personally": Your above posted temper tantrum, assumptions and allegations speak for themselves.

    "You rarely if ever help anyone": This also is a contradiction...

    Post #12. Helping by giving my opinion and/or thoughts regarding your item.
  11. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    Yes Janet,as far as I can tell.
  12. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    That is the tiniest little thing I ever saw in cloisonne:)

    I wondered about the top too but its so small that maybe it does go with it? IDK.
  13. mymysharona43

    mymysharona43 Well-Known Member

    This board has been very user friendly as of late and I like it, so why lash out at someone? I know you posted your in a bit of a fog....I for one love watching her finds and find nothing phony about it. Helping others I have seen it many times and it is not a requirement
  14. 'Nuff_Said

    'Nuff_Said Well-Known Member

    It's ok, Sharona. Not A big deal. It's understandable. He's infected.

    I put my time in. Especially on the other board. I have nothing to prove to him or anyone else.

    'Nuff Said!
  15. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    A dealer I know whos been in the business since 1956 and travels the world said she cant believe anyone would have such consistent luck. She said she goes years sometimes without any major finds,yet you manage to astound week in and week out ? Neither nor,Im not getting into some flame war.
    Show me WHERE I singled her out ? It was my opinion,and I didn't "lash out" till her snarky and uncalled for response. I was merely wondering why certain folks didn't seem to offer many opinions,is that a crime ?
    Show me WHERE I singled you out in my initail generalized statement ?!? What hubris ! Your not the ONLY expert on oriental artifacts,as much as you would seem to think so. Im not getting into a flame war with you,I stated how I felt after you snarkily responded to my post,and again,for the record,I think your full of baloney. I don't believe you,I think your a poser,and that's the end of that.
    I apologize to everyone else who found anything I said offensive,and thank you all so much for all the great help you so freely and generously offer.
  16. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    I don't know,Shiloh,I thought it did ! DSCN2812.JPG
  17. 'Nuff_Said

    'Nuff_Said Well-Known Member

    Post #3 you wrote: "do ponder why,though there are oriental specialists on here as well as the other board( whose name we do not speak) they rarely,if ever comment on others oriental finds/junk"

    Post #7 you wrote: "I don't take it personally,you rarely if ever help anyone,Nuff".

    It was clear to me (and I'm pretty sure others) who you were referring to in your "initial generalized statement".

    As I stated many a times before... I'm no expert nor specialist, I'm a picker! Nothing more, noting less.

    As for your dealer friend's comment regarding luck... I'm not lucky I'm blessed! There's a difference.

    Last, this was, and will always be about my finds. It had nothing to do with help, and/or the lack thereof. It's about finds and/or the lack thereof. Why else would someone (you) bring this (my finds) up to a dealer (off board) who has been in the business since 1956? Clearly it's/they've been bothering you for a long time.

    Please, you're a 50 year old man. Stop acting like a jealous 5th grader. The name calling, assumptions, allegations. This is so childish!

    I'm done with this thread!
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2014
  18. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    In all fairness to Nuff...I have seen her post items that she needed advice on and they turned out to be not so GREAT FINDS...If memory serves me correctly I remember a post where she said she was terrible with identifying blue & white ware. I have also seen her post stuff that Tapau ID'd for her....she does have the Irish luck though.

    My middle daughter is also blessed with luck. Tara and I went to the corner mkt. and she bought a 3 dollar scratcher and scratched it off at the counter and won 300.00.

    When I owned my stable I had horse shows and raffles. Guess what? She won them all,1st show won a ton of alfalfa hay which she gave me.Second show,won an English saddle and gave it to me.
    In Vegas she wins all the time.

    The last month she started selling on eBay. She picks at the T's and finds sterling flatware for 50 cents each,and Disney figurines for a song.

    About 8 years ago she and I were in a parking lot and she stopped and picked up a brilliant stone. It turned out to be a 1 karat diamond,she had it mounted and wears it on a necklace. I on the other hand have the worst luck ever.:arghh:
  19. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    PS I remember several years ago AM showed a tapestry. Well nuff found one on eBay and bid on it and I think it sold for 10 bucks? She turned around and sold it for hundreds. Thats when we were able to see the details on sellers and buyers.;)
  20. 'Nuff_Said

    'Nuff_Said Well-Known Member

    Thanks Shi!

    I recall posting a number of items with the links attached that were won on eBay for pennies on the dollar and then resold later for hundreds or thousands of dollars. I recall one of the first threads I ever posted over on the other board was something to the effect of: "eBay. Can it be a Pickers Paradise?". That's when I use to post mostly artwork (paintings, prints and drawings) within the Finds Threads -- which was, and will always be my bread and butter. We still buy many pieces of artwork, I just haven't been posting them over the past couple of years because of my new found interest in ceramics.

    He and many others here have bare witness to the progression I've made over the years regarding ceramics. Went for knowing next to nothing about them roughly 3 years ago, to picking four and five-figure pieces for pennies. One of the most notable sales was that teapot purchased for $10 and resold for nearly $17K. Do you recall my listing? I had no idea what Yixing was. Didn't know if it were Chinese or Japanese etc. That sale basically started my push towards learning more about Asian art. And slowly over the past couple of years I have learned. Not only about Asian art, but ceramics in general. You all have bared witness to this progression. I have worked my a$$ off for these past couple of years dedicating myself to learning. But according to him, I'm a fake, a phony. Laughable! I have taken what I've learned from this board, the other and what I've taught myself, utilized it and applied in the field. Why can't he and a number of others do the same. Why is it that the same damn folks, keep asking the same damn questions, to the same damn items? All of the tools and resources have been freely given to him and others over the years by folks willing to give them free without want. Why isn't he and others using them? Here's why............. they don't want to put in the hard work! They'll rather have others do it for them. Why research an item when you can post it and have others research it for you? Pure laziness!

    He said I "rarely, if ever help" others. Pure BS! I've helped him numerous times over the years. I even out the kindness of my heart wrapped and packaged an item he liked that I posted and mailed it to him for free. I wanted nothing in exchange. Just for him to enjoy the item.

    Oh! Here's another person I rarely, if ever helped:

    In closing... again, his rant was never about me helping or not helping. It wasn't about my "snarky reply". It was more so about my finds and the envy he harbored regarding them. I do give him credit. Credit for having the balls to say how he really felt. Not many folks are willing to show their hand like that. So kudos to you! But my dear Johnny, all you have done was motivate me more. Motivate me to push and work harder at becoming a better picker. Like I have said many a times before,... it's the haters, naysayers and negativity that drives this train I'm on. Folks like you who hate me for no good reason other than I'm doing something that you're not is what motivates me. If I woke up everyday with congrats and pats on the back, I don't believe I would be working as hard to learn this antiques and find art game.

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