Featured BIGGG Crockery Pot? Churn? Keg?

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by GaleriaGila, Feb 14, 2016.

  1. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!


    BUSTEDDDDD!!!!!!! :bag:

    But it's all y'all's fault!
  2. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Are you keeping or selling? As Crocker Farms said, their estimate is conservative. Did they want it for auction?
    GaleriaGila likes this.
  3. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

    Brad, they didn't...just that "let us know if" statement.
    For now, I'm too stunned to do anything but stare at it!
  4. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Hi Gila,
    Nice answer from the Crocker's. I sent them a couple of photos of a jug that I had and could not decide if it was common. They sent me back a quote of 800 dollars, I was blown away thinking perhaps 50 to 75. I sent it to an auction in PA. It sold for 1300. I paid 10 bucks for the jug only because I felt sorry for the people who were having the yard sale, they were moving. They were asking 8 and I told them to keep the change. I am sorry that I did not buy the other two.
    Pat P, komokwa and GaleriaGila like this.
  5. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

    Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... congratulations!

    Yeah, I was blown away by Crocker's speedy and knowledgeable AND FREE appraisal. It tempts me to think they just really love these old things and want to make sure they're valued.
    And... as usual, I learned so much from the links provided here, and the posts... I'm quite sure I could take part in a discussion about a crock and feel confident about participating.
    gregsglass likes this.
  6. Bdigger

    Bdigger Well-Known Member

    CONGRATULATIONS GILA! I know your heart must be racing. I am so happy for you! As I understand it......"conservative estimate" is generally the least they would expect it to sell for. If there were two or more people at an auction that wanted it.....I bet it would go much higher.
    BTW......Where is the old man gonna sleep now that you'll have a 6 gallon crock in the bed with you? :cat:
    Aquitaine, cxgirl and komokwa like this.
  7. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

    That is so HISZSZZSZSZ problem!!!!!!

    Yes, it was a thrill... still is! I can't even decide what to do with it, but I'm really leaning towards keeping it. SEE WHAT YOU ALL HAVE DONE TO ME!!?? I've turned into a statue-rescuing, pottery-picking, crock-loving ANTIQUER!!!!! :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:
    Aquitaine, Pat P, SBSVC and 3 others like this.
  8. Bdigger

    Bdigger Well-Known Member

    Hey......don't blame me! I admit....I have turned a number of men into glass fairies.....but never a Hispanic woman into a statue-rescuing, pottery-picking, crock-loving ANTIQUER!!!!! I just won't take blame for that one!
  9. desperate_fun

    desperate_fun Irregular Member

    cxgirl and GaleriaGila like this.
  10. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

    Mike - Upon due consideration, I absolve you of the above... BUTTTTT... After you gave me the little pine needle basket (which I now use to hold my tiniest brushes), I bought myself one of those huge Longaberger baskets to hold paints in current use. See? Now, if I wind up with a third, that's a COLLECTION, and I don't think I can let you off THAT hook, buster! :hilarious: My GODDD that basket is dusty. basket2.jpg
  11. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

    Oh, Funsie... I *DO* want that thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    There's an old superstition in Mexico that if you get too happy, you could explode. Especially females... some way of encouraging moderation or self-control, I guess. Anyway, if that belonged to me, I WOULD explode.
    Thanks for a great fantasy, though...
  12. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Am I crazy? If someone bought something over 5k, I would not have the gall to charge them 16 dollars for shipping. I guess that is why I am poor.:rolleyes:
    GaleriaGila and desperate_fun like this.
  13. desperate_fun

    desperate_fun Irregular Member


    The shipping to Canada via USPS is $120.00 USD
    GaleriaGila likes this.
  14. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    $120 US to ship it here....feel better now ???
    GaleriaGila likes this.
  15. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    SNIPED bu D-Fun........by seconds !!!!!!

    ( many seconds !!! ;)..)
    GaleriaGila likes this.
  16. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

    Still recovering from how GORGEOUS that thing is...
    Guys... what are the "jewel" eyes, do you suppose?????

    Edit - I need to know in order to enhance my fantasy about it!
  17. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    What the hell happened to the Canadian mail service? I used to mail a lot of stuff and NEVER paid anywhere near that. I checked my records the most expensive thing I mailed to Canada was 1930s Bakelite radio. It was six pounds and I paid 11 dollars in 2001.
    GaleriaGila likes this.
  18. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Rubies from Burma !!!
    GaleriaGila likes this.
  19. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

    Maybe Trump bought the Canadian postal service.
  20. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Dear Greg:
    A lot has happened in 15 years.........you should look into it !! :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:
    GaleriaGila likes this.
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