Help With Siggy On Fighting Cocks Painting

Discussion in 'Art' started by kardinalisimo, Jan 18, 2016.

  1. kardinalisimo

    kardinalisimo Well-Known Member

    Any suggestions on the signature?
    KingofThings likes this.
  2. KingofThings

    KingofThings 'Illiteracy is a terrible thing to waist' - MHH

    Good Christmas!!!
    Original owner>
    "Hey! Come on over and see my original *&^%$#%^&*(. I paid 18 mil for it!" :p
  3. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!


    Angry Birds.

    Edit - Kardinal, I love you but I hate this painting. What a terrible institution... cock-fighting. Along with bull-fighting, it's a stain on Mexican-ness. Sorry. Grrrrr...
    Aquitaine and KingofThings like this.
  4. KingofThings

    KingofThings 'Illiteracy is a terrible thing to waist' - MHH

    AB! Ha!!!!!
    Just why the f.....eathers are they angry anyways???
  5. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

    They're baited and riled up and armed with razor-sharp talons and forced to fight.
    Sorry..... I just love birds so much...
    Aquitaine, LeftonGuy and KingofThings like this.
  6. KingofThings

    KingofThings 'Illiteracy is a terrible thing to waist' - MHH

    AB= Angry Birds the game. :)
  7. kardinalisimo

    kardinalisimo Well-Known Member

    Buenaventura, Cesar or other?
    KingofThings likes this.
  8. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

    That I dunno, and I'm too bird-squeamish to look! :)
    KingofThings likes this.
  9. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Does look like "Buenaventura."

    KingofThings likes this.
  10. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    Looks like fake signature on bad street art, as do most of the paintings that you show here. I know that if you buy enough junk, you might actually get a winner, but you spam the boards with this crap and I'm brave enough to say so. This is no way antique or good art. It's annoying.
  11. kardinalisimo

    kardinalisimo Well-Known Member

    Are you a miserable person in general or something happened to you recently?
    I absolutely don't give a crap about your opinion.
    If you are annoyed, don't read my posts.
    cxgirl likes this.
  12. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    I generally don't and I'll try harder in future. I'm not a miserable person, I just like to be honest. You aren't stupid. You know full well that a lot of what you post over and over is just sofa art, yet you continue to put it up as if it's museum worthy. You can't honestly say you think this stuff is by well-known artists. Yes, I will not respond in future.
  13. kardinalisimo

    kardinalisimo Well-Known Member

    Just look at your first post. That is not honesty, that is an offensive comment.
    True, I did buy a lot of junk art in the past but trying to avoid that as much as I can. Take my last 10-15 topics and tell me how many are sofa ( I guess you mean factory paintings?) and how many are not. If you just don't like the paintings, that is a different story.

    Just because I am asking for a signature, origin or a location, it does not mean I think they belong to a museum.

    Why a painting has to be by a well-known artist to be a nice piece of art? This you a big problem to you and millions like you. There are tons of artists you never heard of, talented and creating great art. Just because they are not well-recognized, it does not mean they are bad.

    And yes, if you don't correct your ways of responding, I'd rather not read your comments either.
    cxgirl likes this.
  14. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Hi Kard,
    Why so nasty? You post here every day and never respond to other peoples stuff. As an artist Bev has her opinion and yet you turn on her like a dog. Snarling and all.
    Calm down or other people are not going to comment on your stuff. Join the community and talk about other people's stuff too.
    KingofThings likes this.
  15. kardinalisimo

    kardinalisimo Well-Known Member

    Seriously? I am nasty?
    This is not an opinion. Read carefully her comment, line by line, word by word. But why am I telling you this, you have already sided with her.

    "Calm down or other people are not going to comment on your stuff" - if that is how you will react, it is your choice. But, please, don't speak for everybody else. If they decide to do so, I will probably not like it. I surely don't like your ultimatium.

    I will comment only if I have the knowledge to do so. But I know so little comparing to most of you. But I will never go and write comments like something is so bad, junk, annoying etc.

    Lastly, thanks to all for all the great help I have received!
    cxgirl and KingofThings like this.
  16. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

  17. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Better said... A work of the same subject.

  18. KingofThings

    KingofThings 'Illiteracy is a terrible thing to waist' - MHH

  19. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Wow....and then some !!

    Debora.......well done !!!
    KingofThings likes this.
  20. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

    Awesome, Debora! Can you get me Antonio Banderas' cell phone number?????
    KingofThings likes this.
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