Featured My mug collection

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by mhc4444, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. mhc4444

    mhc4444 Active Member

    hello, I just wanted to share my humble little collection of mugs :)
    from right to left is:
    A bohemian acid-etched red overlay crystal mug with hunting themed scenes and a pewter lid
    A danish Aluminia Fajance mug made for a local brewery's 50 years anniversary in 1908
    A Kähler midcentury blue glazed by Niels Kähler
    A Kähler early 20th century yellow glazed
    I particularely like the bohemian :) but i do in genneral like bohemian glass, but the etchings on this one is just so much better quality than on most vases and decanters i see :D IMG_4871.JPG
    Pat P, trip98, Figtree3 and 15 others like this.
  2. Bdigger

    Bdigger Well-Known Member

    Very nice collection. I have always had a thing for mugs and tumblers.
    mhc4444 and KingofThings like this.
  3. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    mhc444, thank you for posting these.

    I like the "bohemian acid-etched red overlay crystal mug with hunting themed scenes and a pewter lid," but my favorite of all four is the "danish Aluminia Fajance mug made for a local brewery's 50 years anniversary in 1908." I really like the depiction of "hops" on the mug and the color scheme.

    One question about the "brewery" mug -- was the 50-years anniversary in 1908
    or in 1958? In other words, does the mug go back to 1908 (meaning the brewery began in 1858)?
    mhc4444 and KingofThings like this.
  4. mhc4444

    mhc4444 Active Member

    the mug is from 1908 :) and the anniversary inscribtion read both 1858 and 1908 so it is the 50 year anniverary in 1908. and yes, the Aluminia fajance factory were very good with their useage of creamy white and green and blue :) when this piece came up on its own on my local auction and no one else was bidding, i just couldn't help myself and snatched it for my little collection :D
  5. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the answer and thanks (again) for posting the mugs. ;)
    KingofThings and mhc4444 like this.
  6. mhc4444

    mhc4444 Active Member

    no problem :D do you collect mugs by any chance?
    KingofThings likes this.
  7. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    MCH4444, I don't collect mugs although I have some for whenever I drink hot tea (I can get three "mugs" out of one tea bag :D) or hot cocoa. DH does use a mug for his morning coffee, but no "collection" of mugs at this house. ;)
    KingofThings and mhc4444 like this.
  8. ola402

    ola402 Well-Known Member

    Very nice! My fave is the one on the far left. I would definitely drink coffee out of that one.
    KingofThings and mhc4444 like this.
  9. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    I like your mugs :happy:. I don't specifically collect mugs / drinking jugs but I seem to have a bunch anyway. I don't want to clutter up your thread with my stuff though.
  10. wenna

    wenna Well-Known Member

    You know, this is inspiring. I use the same plain white mug (I rotate 2 of them; no decoration AT ALL) every time I drink coffee at home. I think this was in retaliation of the way that mugs these days seem to breed in the cabinet if you're not careful. I may start to keep my eyes open for something far more interesting like these...thanks!!!
  11. SBSVC

    SBSVC Well-Known Member

    I think this was in retaliation of the way that mugs these days seem to breed in the cabinet if you're not careful.

    Wenna, I had exactly that same thought a year & a half ago, when I was downsizing & preparing for a move... I must have given away 40 or 50 mugs that had somehow proliferated in my kitchen cabinets! Where the heck did they all come from???

    I have a few very special, very old drinking vessels that I keep on display, but as for the extremely utilitarian rest of them, I have to believe that they breed & reproduce in the cabinets!
  12. SBSVC

    SBSVC Well-Known Member

    Here are a few of my "special" ones:

    These are Doulton, with sterling engraved rims - from the family, engraved with NY Yacht Club & the name of the racing boat from 1897.


    The 2 on the right are copper-lidded Lenox, from 1898, and the 3rd from the right is Lenox Belleek, also passed down "from the family."
  13. lloyd249

    lloyd249 it's not hoarding if it's valuable

    how about these jugs errrr mugs lol i got them free at a legion garage sale lol they couldn't get me to take them fast enough i believe they used to have tops but the stuff that hides them when cool is gone sooooo p.s. there is 10 in total

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    Last edited: Jan 3, 2016
    KingofThings likes this.
  14. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    how about these jugs errrr mugs lol i got them free at a legion garage sale lol they couldn't get me to take them fast enough i believe they used to have tops but the stuff that hides them when cool is gone sooooo p.s. there is 10 in total

    LOL you couldn't have paid me to take them.:stop:
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
    KingofThings and Messilane like this.
  15. lloyd249

    lloyd249 it's not hoarding if it's valuable

    4 Vintage Pin Up Girl 2 Sided Picture Drinking Glass Barware Nude Lady Bikini for sale at ebay for 155
    KingofThings likes this.
  16. mhc4444

    mhc4444 Active Member

    well you can ask what you want on ebay ;) once saw a guy trying to sell a penny for 15 millions, described as ''whats the price for a dream come true'' and a promice to deliver the penny in person anywhere in the world xD
    KingofThings and cxgirl like this.
  17. lloyd249

    lloyd249 it's not hoarding if it's valuable

    oh is that right well what kind of penny was it, what year was it or century because there are pennies worth that
    KingofThings likes this.
  18. 42Skeezix

    42Skeezix Moderator Moderator

    2.5 million is (I think) the current auction record for a U.S. 1792 penny.
  19. lloyd249

    lloyd249 it's not hoarding if it's valuable

    yeah but he wasn't selling it on ebay as opposed to these glasses are collectible and available at ebay sure they might not be our first choice in collectables but there are people out there that do and there's nothing wrong with that lol nudity is art itself ,and many artist have made millions selling nudes .you think the guy that just bought that penny will sell it to you for more or less than he paid ? and if the penny was yours what would you ask ?and as we all know and practise (i hope ) know what you are buying . these would be great in a MAN cave or woman cave if they go that way lol
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
    KingofThings likes this.
  20. mhc4444

    mhc4444 Active Member

    well the penny i was talking about was a modern penny with the value of... a penny, the point was that he asked an insane amount, because he could, and that he would be extremely happy to get that amount, it just wont happen, like, any of you guys ever seen that show pawn stars? people can ask what ever they want, but will it sell? thats the question~
    KingofThings likes this.
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