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Thrift Find Today - Aristodimos Kaldis painting!

Discussion in 'Art' started by journeymagazine, Jan 14, 2025.

  1. journeymagazine

    journeymagazine Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone,
    I wanted to show you a painting I found at a thrift store today. When I first saw it I al.most passed it by; I thought it was a child's painting some proud parent had has framed!
    But when I saw the From the Estate of Aristodimos Kaldis stamp on the back & looked the name up - I was pleasantly surprised!
    2 questions please - it feels like it was done on board, but you can see the course canvas material - looks almost like burlap? - stapled to frame?
    Also, where the wire you'd use to hang it on a wall was placed on the back of the painting makes it seem it would hang upside down from it's placement. Also the stamp appears to have been put on the painting upside down?
    Do these raise any concern on its authenticity? Do you believe it's real?
    After a few weeks without much art at my regular thrift store - this was a pleasent surprise!
    I hope you like it (im still not sure what I think of it!)

    20250114_084615.jpg 20250114_084625.jpg 20250114_084633.jpg 20250114_084638.jpg
    Any Jewelry and Boland like this.
  2. journeymagazine

    journeymagazine Well-Known Member

    I think this is the name of the painting?

  3. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Yes, Aegean Village. Not a palette one typically associates with the Aegean.

  4. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    I like Naive and Outsider art but honestly that really does look like a kindergartner's work .
  5. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    J'Man- Had a feeling you just might show up today with a bit of Art. Looks like Mr. Kaldi was inspired by Kandinsky.
    Good listed find J-congrats ! Look,Elaine de Kooning even did a portrait of him.

    Elaine DeKooning.jpg
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2025
    Any Jewelry and journeymagazine like this.
  6. journeymagazine

    journeymagazine Well-Known Member

    I'm still surprised that this is something someone would consider art , I have come to love art but I don't think I'm ever going to understand it!
    bosko69 and johnnycb09 like this.
  7. journeymagazine

    journeymagazine Well-Known Member

    Debora, is it done on artist board - like another I found with a estate stamp - or is it on the burlap looking canvas over a board?
    Thank you!
    johnnycb09 likes this.
  8. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    I would think the burlap is just the wrapped frame liner. It doesn't appear to my eye that the work is painted on burlap. But a close-up of the painting's surface would be helpful.

    johnnycb09 likes this.
  9. journeymagazine

    journeymagazine Well-Known Member

    Will do when I get home
    Thank you
    johnnycb09 likes this.
  10. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    True-but you sill continue to work very hard at comprehending it,and you took a big chance buying this seemingly 'childlike' piece- congrats !
    johnnycb09 likes this.
  11. journeymagazine

    journeymagazine Well-Known Member

    Thank you - but without the estate stamp on back, I'm 99% sure I would have left it - or taken photos to ask about it here & then going to buy it the next day if feedback was good.
    But if it was without estate stamp + it has no signature, would anyone know who did it - or would even recommend it?
  12. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    I agree with You 100% J- I wouldn't have ever thought it was more than a child's piece.But you put so much energy into hunting that you deserve a break now n' then,plus when you put in that many days the odds'll be with you sometime-like buying a lottery ticket every day.
    Here's a few Kandinskys to compare with yours,he was one the people who 'invented' non-objective Abstract Art.
    PS-They might be a bit more structured than yours-but you can see the spontaneity both artists share.
    KAN 3.jpg
    KAN 2.jpg
    KAN 1.jpg
    johnnycb09 likes this.
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