Antique movie props. Anyone have any?

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by Tiquer, Mar 7, 2024.

  1. pearlsnblume

    pearlsnblume Well-Known Member

    Yep, I had those. Instant migraine.
  2. Tiquer

    Tiquer Well-Known Member

    Today I watched an Indiana Jones movie, and it made me wonder how many props Harrison Ford has lying around at his house
  3. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    Probably not that many; they were studio property. He probably did swipe a few though; most actors do I'm told.
    Tiquer and mirana like this.
  4. Boland

    Boland Well-Known Member

    Many years ago a bought a machete and a reproduction sword from quy who had a huge dvd collection and like a little movie/film room in his house. He said one of the 2 were used in a like a B-rate movie. He even gave me a dvd copy of the movie. It looked really low budget and crappy. I was the surprised because both of the items could seriously hurt or kill someone (not ideal movie props) The sword was rather well made but the machete was more lightweight and a bit more flimsy.

    Thinking back,it was obviously the machete that was the prop. I also seem to remember that the sword was made to resemble ‘Sting’ from Lord of the Rings (I think!) Not a great replica! Should have kept that dvd :)
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2024 at 2:34 AM
  5. Boland

    Boland Well-Known Member

    Those are classics!
    Tiquer likes this.
  6. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    Sometimes they are gifts. The director, main actors, and producers will often request props or costume pieces as wrap gifts. They may not always get their request, or they may get a double and not the hero, but it's common.

    Once had a lead actress climb a fence into the prop lockup to steal a prop after we had wrapped. She admitted it much later (on social media i think) but not before prop dept got in trouble for "losing" a key item that had needed to be used in later marketing shoots. :meh:

    Real weapons are used in film for certain shots. They're the "hero" props used for close-ups, static moments, etc. Then we have doubles for stunts made of different types of foam and rubber, depending on the use. For LotR Weta made them and they have a blacksmith for their swords, daggers, etc. We do try to blunt certain things, but sometimes a sharpened edge is necessary for a stunt where the item actually needs to cut!

    Low budget and/or non-union is known for making interesting decisions if you are hiring cheaper, less experienced crew... :mask:
    komokwa, kentworld and Boland like this.
  7. Boland

    Boland Well-Known Member

    Makes sense. Thanks. Sounds like an interesting job you have with not some many typical days..
    mirana and komokwa like this.
  8. Tiquer

    Tiquer Well-Known Member

    Totally agree. Got to meet John Rhys Davies and had him sign what I'm pretty sure is an original Raiders of the Lost Ark poster. Hoping to get others to sign it as well, but that may be a longshot.
    mirana likes this.
  9. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    Like a strange Christmas every day! :playful: There are no normal days...but that's how I like it. :D
    komokwa likes this.
  10. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    I need a road map to find Normal, and a GPS, so I get it.
    mirana likes this.
  11. Sedona

    Sedona Well-Known Member

    I got an antique (19th century) throne chair that had been in the Warner Brothers studios’ prop department for more than a half a century. It had been in a ton of TV shows and movies since the 1940s or so; I recently spotted it in the church and town hall scenes in “Blazing Saddles.”
    mirana likes this.
  12. Tiquer

    Tiquer Well-Known Member

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