Featured 2 watercolours & graphite sketch

Discussion in 'Art' started by charlie cheswick, Nov 30, 2024 at 2:15 PM.

  1. charlie cheswick

    charlie cheswick Well-Known Member

    hi folks

    a few pieces i found this week, 1 watercolour & pencil at local auction,


    the other watercolour in a chazza yesterday

    the watercolour from the auction was a pretty easy id find, has all the details on the back as well so for shows

    unsure about artist for the sunset watercolour

    the drawing i'm not sure at all about, but came with the watercolour i was interested in

    colour11.jpg colour7.jpg colour18.jpg colour16.jpg colour3.jpg water11.jpg water8.jpg water7.jpg water28.jpg

    Attached Files:

    aaroncab, Boland, Any Jewelry and 2 others like this.
  2. charlie cheswick

    charlie cheswick Well-Known Member

  3. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

  4. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    I see "B. Thompson" for the watercolor but could well be a "P." as above. A Sunday painter, I'd think. For the pencil sketch I read "W. M. Flower '86."

  5. charlie cheswick

    charlie cheswick Well-Known Member

    thanks deb, didn't notice that. thought it was just a name of the boat, but looks like an artist and date
    johnnycb09 likes this.
  6. charlie cheswick

    charlie cheswick Well-Known Member

    there seems to be a Marmaduke C. William Flower which would fit in date wise.

    seems to have been a portrait artist but did landscapes

    long shot, but maybe a preparatory drawing or just a sketch
    johnnycb09 likes this.
  7. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Honestly, Charlie! Do I have to do everything around here? That's a very distinctive landscape -- a chateau on an island connected to both banks by bridges.

    johnnycb09 and charlie cheswick like this.
  8. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    I thought it might be a preparatory drawing too. And, if my first name were Marmaduke, I'd use my initials too.

  9. charlie cheswick

    charlie cheswick Well-Known Member

    johnnycb09 likes this.
  10. charlie cheswick

    charlie cheswick Well-Known Member

    kyratango, johnnycb09 and Marote like this.
  11. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Nope. Too modern.

    johnnycb09 and charlie cheswick like this.
  12. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Don't think that's by your friend Marmaduke. Not quite his sensibility.

  13. charlie cheswick

    charlie cheswick Well-Known Member

    so.................. :playful:
    kyratango likes this.
  14. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Perhaps someone can identify the location. I can't. (Adds value.)

    kyratango and charlie cheswick like this.
  15. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Very nice finds, charlie.:)
    Paging @kyratango !:singing::):kiss:
    kyratango and Debora like this.
  16. charlie cheswick

    charlie cheswick Well-Known Member

    thanks Aj !, got some better snaps of the drawing today as it was too dark last night

    i'm thinking it must be The Île de la Cité or paris island but not 100% sure

    a21.jpg a16.jpg a15.jpg a23.jpg a24.jpg
    kyratango, Boland and Any Jewelry like this.
  17. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    It isn't the Île de la Cité, that is much more built up. It is choc-a-bloc with higher buildings, including the Notre Dame. This location looks more rural.
    kyratango and charlie cheswick like this.
  18. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    No, not Île de la Cité. But when one searches for "chateau" and "island" and "Seine", that's what comes up.

    charlie cheswick likes this.
  19. architrave

    architrave Well-Known Member

  20. architrave

    architrave Well-Known Member

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