Big sale! Don't see too much that I am personally interested in. The silver over copper letter holder (Heintz?) in pic #7 would be a keeper for me. The box in #49 is intriguing. I am sure there is some art that I would be interested in. Buying for resale would be totally dependent on price. There is a lot of good stuff if cheap enough to buy. The last estate sale I attended had nothing, even at half price, that I could buy for resale.
I saw quite a bit I wouldnt say no to. I actually have the plates shown in pic 21 down on the far left. The floral ones on the right. In my sideboard somewhere . They obviously were collectors or would "accumulators" be more apropos ?
I see a ton of things I'd be interested in at the right price. Not sure I could keep it to three..... As I was scrolling through the pics, I wanted to respond with WHY CAN'T I HAVE MORE THAN THREE? WHO MADE YOU THE BOSS OF ME? I CAN GET A MANY AS I WANT!!!!! Obviously, Florida is too fur from Wisconsin so the question is moot. Linda
I saw a crazy quilt that I'd love to give to a friend, but the rest would be put into a big booth at Brimfield.
Some tea cups bring a lot of money, but I am not up on which. A friend of mine used to make so much cash on them at sales. Sadly she passed away a few years ago.
The reel to reel, the speakers and the Khatam box. The speakers